If someone were to ask you to tell them about Jesus, what would you say? What stories, teachings, and parables might you include? What specific events would you include? His birth? Baptism? First sermon? Would you share his struggles and temptations? What about his difficulties with the religious authorities? Certainly you would tell of his sufferings, death, and resurrection – that’s central to the story. But what about all the rest?

Now you understand a bit of the huge task Mark faced as he began to write his Gospel of Jesus Christ. Out of all the stories and events of Jesus, which ones could he tell so others might come to know what Jesus is all about?

However, Mark has a deeper reason to share the stories of Jesus…he wants people to understand what God is doing in Jesus. We catch a brief glimpse of this as we hear Jesus announced: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news. Using the familiar biblical image of Kingdom of God,  Mark presents the idea that Jesus is here to be the means for God’s reign and saving presence to become a reality in our lives and world.

But will he be able to do this? As we begin our journey in the Gospel of Mark we will be convinced as we hear the stories, teachings, and events of Jesus’ life that God’s Kingdom is really near? Will we believe that Jesus i the Good News? Only time will tell. However, we start just as Jesus did, by inviting ordinary people to begin to explore and follow.