Who hasn’t lost something in their life? All of us, at some time or another, have had that feeling of panic when we realize we’ve misplaced something like our car keys, cell phone, or wallet. We retrace our steps, look in every nook and cranny (including the couch cushions) and sometimes decide it must have sprouted legs and walked away.

But we don’t give up, do we! We look, look, and look some more until the lost is found. And, oh the joy when we finally find it! We feel like running up and down the street shouting the good news, posting on Facebook our extreme happiness, or throwing a big party to celebrate! Really? Perhaps, not!

Such, however, is the over the top reaction in three “lost and found” parables Jesus told to share the heavenly excitement when one person finally realizes the grace, love, and forgiveness of God. In each of the stories, there is a lost item or person. And when the lost is finally found, the reaction is: “Let’s throw a party!”

Jesus told these stories about God’s grace and love for all people, especially those who were marginalized or had marginalized themselves. Many of the religious people were not only uncomfortable with Jesus’ welcome to these outsiders, but they had become angry and critical of him. Thus the reason why Jesus shared the parables.