Tuesday, May 5. Romans 2:17-3:8

This week we jump into the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. The sermon on Sunday was from Romans 1:1-17. It will give an introduction to Paul and the letter. You can also go here to see my cartoon and introduction from the Bible Book Shelf.

I leave you with a simple reflection on today’s passage. Paul reminded his Jewish brothers and sisters that being faithful to God was not a matter of outward things like belonging to a particular church, or wearing certain types of clothes, or following a certain set of rules. It all has to do with the heart. If you do all those “good” outward things in order to prove to the world that you are better than everyone else, then those things are pretty worthless. But, if you truly show love and goodness to others, even if you don’t officially do those outward things, then it is truly good.

How is your heart today? What is your motivation for the things you do and words you speak?

I leave you with one more helpful introduction to the letter of Romans in this great video from The Bible Project.
