Monday, February 16. Psalm 41:1-10.

This is a big week in the life of the church. In two days we will observe Ash Wednesday and begin the forty-day journey of Lent. This is a time when we are reminded that “from dust we came and from dust we will return.” It is a time of humility and repentance.

But, then, yesterday we saw the story of Jesus’ transfiguration, when, for a moment, he shined like the sun and stood between Moses and Elijah, the two greatest prophets of Israel’s history. Peter, James, and John had the privilege of seeing Jesus in all his glory.

That vision happened right after Jesus said, “if you want to follow me, then you have to take up your cross.” That means, you have to be willing to die.

So, which is it? Are we called to be weak and humble, or are we called to participate in Jesus’ glory? The answer: Yes.

The Psalm today reminds us of this. It starts out by reminding us that the blessed ones are those who tend to the needs of the weak and powerless. Then it reminds us that it is only in weakness that we can truly know the strength of God. David wrote this Psalm when he was weak and vulnerable. Even then he knew that victory and power were not up to him, but up to God.

I encourage you to begin, even today, to prepare yourself for Wednesday, when we begin the journey of weakness, so that we can know the true power of God’s Kingdom.